Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Age of Automated Secretion Clearing

Automated Secretion Clearing

Normal is a Wonderful Thing.
    When we do our learning and get it all right such that we can chant to Next Gen. Medical staff the teachings from the mountain and have them all copy the notes to perfection. Now assign the required degree.......its a comfortable world that allows us to apply the "Normative" solutions until we are jarred into reality by the new teachings that make us change.

    Time has increasingly taught us to expect changes and disrupt our comfortable conventions.

Airway Conventions.

   Intubation and ventilation for those who are not able to sustain life giving O2 CO2 exchange we know is at this time essential lifesaving treatment. The human airway produces 200-500 cc of fluid and protein exudates or transudates every 24 hours and we accept that we must suction these fluids from their position trapped below our endotracheal cuff. We also accept that regular airway suctioning is required when we  sense that this fluid is beginning to block airway.  There is a potential for contamination of the airway with each passage of the suction so we enclose the suction in a sheath to prevent contamination. All of this is laudable but can we do better?

  • What if ?  we were able to ventilate efficiently and prevent the Endotracheal tube cuff from trapping all secretions close to the lungs.
  • What if ?  every stroke of the ventilator acted like a bilge pump that extracted secretions with the CO2 and Nitrogen.
  • What if? The oxygen tension in the trachea was always higher than with standard tubes.
  • What if ? The dead space was dramatically reduced and air trapping was unlikely.
The Pacey Secretion Clearing Endotracheal tube.

Please stand by because all of this is and more possible with the new technology Secretion Clearing Endotracheal tube. More detail is inevitable. Urethral (R) control device controls urinary incontinence -look for Pacey Cuff on Amazon

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